KAMEDIN - Teleconferencing and Automatic Image Analysis for Medical Applications


P. Bernardes, C.Busch, M.Gross, J. Miehe, S.Nowacki, A.Will, Ch. Hahn, H.Handels, H.Putzar, E.Rinast, K.Rösler


Teleconferencing, Automatic Image Analysis, ISDN, Supercomputing


The importance of cooperative work is growing in some medical areas such as radiology. The development of more efficient methods for Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) is necessary for the introduction of computer support techniques in medical applications. A realisation of CSCW-functions for the support of cooperative work in radiology is being developed in the cooperation project KAMEDIN (Kooperatives Arbeiten und MEdizinische Diagnostik auf Innovativen Netzen). Radiological image data is kept locally in a workstation where it will be exchanged, processed and analysed by two remotely located medical experts using an ISDN connection. Artificial neural networks and high-level image processing procedures are used for classification and 3D reconstruction of different tissues. Kohonen-Feature-Maps are used successfully for the classification task.


Workshop on Graphics and Modelling in Science & Technology, Third Luso-German computer Graphics Meeting, Coimbra, (1994)

A second Publication:

KAMEDIN - Teleconferencing and Automatic Image Analysis for Medical Applications, Modelling and Graphics in Science and Technology, pp. 186-196, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-60244-5, (1996)

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Last modified: Wed June 25 1997 11:45:45

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Christoph Busch