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Talks and slides
- 21.11.24 "Latest Developments in Face Image Quality"
Presentation at the iMARS conference
Brussels - Belgium PDF-Version
- 19.11.24 "Biometric Sample Quality: Open Source Face Image Quality (OFIQ)"
Presentation at eu-LISA Lunch Talk
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 06.11.24 "Open Source Face Image Quality (OFIQ)"
Presentation at Transatlantic Dialogue
Washington - U.S.A. PDF-Version
- 02.10.24 "Cybersecurity: Scenarios and Services"
Presentation at EUT+ Tech Showcase Day
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 17.09.24 "Open Source Face Image Quality (OFIQ)"
Presentation at ICAO-NTWG-RFI Workshop
Copenhagen - Denmark PDF-Version
- 01.07.24 "Presentation Attack Detection - ISO/IEC 30107"
Presentation at ICAO-EAB Workshop
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 26.06.24 Real-World Challenges for Biometric Systems"
Presentation at UIDAI Bio-Challenge Webinar
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 18.06.24 "Bericht zum Forschungssemester"
Presentation at HDA
Darmstadt - Germany PDF-Version
- 05.06.24 "Privacy Preserving Biometrics"
Lecture at Biometric Summer School
Alghero - Italy PDF-Version
- 26.03.24 "Status Update on ISO/IEC 29794-5 Biometric Sample Quality"
Presentation at eu-LISA BWG
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 07.11.23 "Face Image Quality"
Presentation at FIQA workshop
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 11.07.23 "Forschungsorganisation aus Erfahrungen"
Presentation at Research-Day-at-FBI
Darmstadt - Germany PDF-Version
- 09.06.23 "Status Update on ISO/IEC 29794-5 Biometric Sample Quality"
Presentation at eu-LISA BWG
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 06.06.23 "Morphing Attack Detection"
Lecture at Biometric Summer School
Alghero - Italy PDF-Version
- 19.04.23 "Morphing Attack Detection"
EAB and CITeR Workshop
Martigny - Switzerland PDF-Version
- 10.11.22 "Manipulierte Ausweisdokumente"
Ringervorlesung HMdIS
Wiesbaden - Germany PDF-Version
- 11.10.22 "Face Image Morphing"
Keynote talk IJCB
Abu Dhabi PDF-Version
- 14.09.22 "Morphing Attack Potential"
Presentation at EAB RPC
Darmstadt - Germany PDF-Version
- 13.07.22 "Face Morphing Attack Detection Methods"
Presentation at EAB workshop
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 21.06.22 "Evaluation and improvement of eu-LISA synthetic biometric datasets"
Presentation at eu-LISA BWG
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 07.06.22 "Morphing Attack Detection"
Lecture at Biometric Summer School
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 10.03.22 "Standards are critical for Interoperability"
Presentation at Australian Government’s Face Biometric Centre of Expertise
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 30.11.21 "Demographic Bias versus Fairness in Biometric Systems"
Presentation at ICBB conference
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 25.11.21 "AI Supporting the Evaluation of Face Recognition Technology"
Presentation at eu-LISA roundtable
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 18.10.21 "Demographischer Bias versus Fairness in der Biometrie"
Presentation at Leopoldina Meeting
Hannover - Germany PDF-Version
- 01.10.21 "Biometrics and Interconnectivity"
Presentation at EASO-GDISC-IGC Joint Meeting
Malta PDF-Version
- 22.09.21 "Biometrische Verfahren und automatisierte Gesichtserkennung"
Presentation at HAWtech Workshop
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 17.09.21 "Biometric Attack Detection"
Presentation at EAB-Biometric-Training
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 09.07.21 "Technology facilitating Free Travels in the Schengen Area"
Presentation at Schengen Forum
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 19.06.21 "Face Morphing Attack Detections"
Invited talk at CVPR 2021 Biometrics Workshop
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 15.06.21 "NFIQ2 Features and Concepts"
Presentation at NFIQ2 workshop
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 01.06.21 "Morphing Attack Detection"
Lecture at Biometric Summer School
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 10.05.21 "Biometric Privacy and Information Protection"
Presentation at PriMa workshop
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 23.04.21 "Benefits from Biometric Standards to the European Banking Ecosystem"
Presentation at EAB Banking
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 19.04.21 "Biometric Data Interchange Standards and ICAO 9303 Relevance"
Presentation at ICAO NTWG
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 23.03.21 "Synthetic FP and FI data for Accuracy Testing"
Presentation at euLISA BWG 2021
WWW - The Globe
- 03.12.20 "The iMARS Project and its Relevance to the European EES in Operation"
Presentation at FRONTEX ICBB conference 2020
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 01.12.20 "Update on latest PAD and Morphing Developments"
Presentation at 3rd round of Getting EES-ready
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 24.11.20 "iMARS - Image Manipulation Attack Resolving Solutions"
Presentation at ICMPD-BM conference 2020
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 03.11.20 "Standards and Challenges for Large Scale Systems"
Presentation at eu-LISA roundtable
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 30.10.20 "Morphing Attacks on Face Recognition Systems"
Presentation at IAM Exchange 2020
Bonn - Germany PDF-Version
- 28.10.20 "Face Morphing Attack Detection in the iMARS Project"
Presentation at NIST IFPC
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 18.09.20 "Biometric Attack Detection"
Presentation at EAB-Biometric-Training
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 16.09.20 "iMARS - Image Manipulation Attack Resolving Solutions"
Presentation at EAB-RPC
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 15.09.20 "Scope of 3rd Generation Passport Standards and relationship to ICAO"
Presentation at EAB-RPC
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 15.09.20 "Presentation Attack Detection - ISO/IEC 30107"
Presentation at EAB-RPC
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 05.06.20 "Privacy Protection"
Lecture at Biometric Summer School
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 18.05.20 "Morphing Attack Detection - State of the Art and Challenges"
Presentation at EAB webinar
WWW - The Globe PDF-Version
- 31.01.20 "Morph Passport and Border Control"
Presentation at CCIS lecture
Gjovik - Norway PDF-Version
- 15.01.20 "Travel Documents and Morphing Attacks on Face Recognition Systems“
Presentation at Notre Dame University
South Bend - USA PDF-Version
- 25.10.19 "State of the Art: Morphing Attack Detection“
Presentation at SecurityPrinters Conference
Copenhagen - Denmark PDF-Version
- 09.10.19 "The Challenge of Morphing for Border Control“
Presentation at Frontex Conference
Warsaw - Poland PDF-Version
- 22.05.19 "Biometrie - Der Mensch als Schlüssel“
Presentation at USD Akademie
Neu Isenburg - Germany PDF-Version
- 09.05.19 "Morphing Attack Detection Overview“
Presentation at Norsk Biometri Forum
Oslo - Norway PDF-Version
- 19.03.19 "Morphing Attack Detection Overview“
Presentation at TeleTrusT Biometrics Working Group
Darmstadt - Germany PDF-Version
- 14.01.19 "Security of Biometric Systems“
Presentation at Biometrics Workshop
Iquique - Chile PDF-Version
- 07.12.18 "Biometric Recognition – Myths dispelled and Best Practices“
Presentation at EAB Biometrics in Finance Workshop
Frankfurt - Germany PDF-Version
- 29.11.18 "Metrics for Benchmarking Computational Workload Reduction“
Presentation at NIST IFPC
Gaithersburg - USAPDF-Version
- 28.11.18 "Morphing Attack Detection Overview“
Presentation at NIST IFPC
Gaithersburg - USAPDF-Version
- 12.07.18 "Privacy Enhancing Technology for Biometric Data“
Presentation at CRISP Privacy Workshop
Darmstadt - GermanyPDF-Version
- 22.03.18 "Towards Face Morphing Detection“
Presentation at SecurityPrinters Conference
Dublin - Irland PDF-Version
- 21.03.18 "Überblick Biometrie-Standardisierung“
Presentation at TeleTrusT Biometrics Working Group
Darmstadt - Germany PDF-Version
- 26.01.18 "Biometrics and Presentation Attack Detection“
Presentation at Swedish Biometrics Forum
Halmstadt - Sweden PDF-Version
- 16.01.18 "What is a Presentation Attack? And how do we detect it?“
Presentation at Dan Panorama Conference
Tel Aviv - Israel PDF-Version
- 12.12.17 "Standardisierung und CCTV“
Presentation at TeleTrusT Biometrics Working Group
Berlin - Germany PDF-Version
- 21.11.17 "Biometric Systems and Security of Sensors“
Presentation at CORSEA Conference
Caen - France PDF-Version
- 25.10.17 "Biometric Systems and Presentation Attacks“
Presentation at ICCST Conference
Madrid - Spain PDF-Version
- 04.10.17 "Biometrische Daten im Lichte der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung“
Presentation at Arbeitsgruppe der Datenschutzkonferenz
Berlin - Germany PDF-Version
- 20.09.17 "PAD Standards“
Presentation at TeleTrusT Biometrics Working Group
Darmstadt - Germany PDF-Version
- 18.04.17 "Face Morphing Detection“
Presentation at ICAO NTWG Group
Amsterdam - NL PDF-Version
- 29.03.17 "Standardisation Presentation Attack Detection“
Presentation at TeleTrusT Biometrics Working Group
Darmstadt - Germany PDF-Version
- 16.03.17 "Biometrische Zugangskontrolle“
Presentation at Intersec conference
Frankfurt - Germany PDF-Version
- 04.05.16 "The ISO/IEC 30107-3 standard for testing of Presentation Attack Detection“
Presentation at NIST IBPC 2016 conference
Gaithersburg - USA PDF-Version
- 26.04.16 "Secure Access Control over Wide Area Network“
Presentation at Finse Winter School
Finse - Norway PDF-Version
- 22.03.16 "Standardisation Presentation Attack Detection“
Presentation at TeleTrusT Biometrics Working Group
Darmstadt - Germany PDF-Version
- 18.03.16 "FIDELITY Project: Fast and trustworthy Identity Delivery and check with ePassports leveraging Traveler privacy“
Presentation at IGC Technology Working Group
Geneva - Switzerland
- 11.02.16 "Biometrics and mPayments“
Presentation at the Identitet 2016 conference
Oslo - Norway PDF-Version
- 19.01.16 "Status of international standards ISO/IEC 30107“
Presentation at the European Biometric Symposium
Martigny - Switzerland PDF-Version
- 26.11.15 "Biometric Standardization and PAD“
Presentation at the Danish Biometric Forum
Copenhagen - Denmark PDF-Version
- 18.11.15 "Secure Access Control over Wide Area Network“
Presentation at ISF julemøte
Oslo - Norway PDF-Version
- 17.11.15 "Biometrische Systeme und Methoden - Maschinen identifizieren Menschen! “
Presentation at IT-Sicherheit Strategiegipfel
Berlin - Germany PDF-Version
- 28.10.15 "Biometrics in a Mobile World“
Presentation at Sikkerhetssymposiet
Bergen - Norway PDF-Version
- 16.10.15 "BTAP: Secure Authentication of Banking Transaction data using biometric Identifiers“
Presentation at EAB Biometrics and Banking Workshop
London - U.K. PDF-Version
- 24.09.15 "Performance, standards and testing: current status in biometrics“
Presentation at EAB Biometrics and Banking Workshop
Frankfurt - Germany PDF-Version
- 17.06.15 "Sample Quality Metrics for Biometric Systems“
Presentation at SCIA Conference
Copenhagen - Denmark
- 16.04.15 "Biometrics - From Rumors to Reality“
Presentation at Voice Recognition Workshop
Kronberg - Germany PDF-Version
- 02.03.15 "ISO/IEC 30107 Standards on PAD“
Presentation at NBL Annual Workshop 2015
Gjøvik - Norway PDF-Version
- 16.12.14 "Presentation Attack Detection und PAD Metrics“
Presentation at TeleTrusT Biometrics Working Group
Berlin - Germany PDF-Version
- 16.12.14 "EAB CITeR“
Presentation at TeleTrusT Biometrics Working Group
Berlin - Germany PDF-Version
- 27.11.14 "From Liveness Detection to Presentation Attack Detection“
Presentation at Norsk Biometri Forum
Oslo - Norway PDF-Version
- 17.11.14 "Performance and Vulnerability Testing according ISO/IEC: overview and relevance“
Presentation at EAB Members Meeting
Frankfurt - Germany PDF-Version
- 24.10.14 "Biometrics are ready for banking: standards and security“
Presentation at EAB Banking event
London - UK PDF-Version
- 24.06.14 "Biometrics and Banking“
Presentation at BITKOM Mobile Payments & Banking Innovations
Frankfurt - Germany PDF-Version
- 07.05.14 "Access Control with Fingerprint Recognition“
Presentation at FRISC Winterschool
Finse - Norway PDF-Version
- 01.04.14 "Presentation Attack Detection for Smartphone Finger Image Recognition “
Presentation at the NIST IBPC conference
Gaithersburg - USA PDF-Version
- 04.11.13 "EAB Academia Special Interest Group“
Presentation at the EAB members conference
Darmstadt - Germany
- 14.10.13 "Biometric Authentication of Transactions“
Presentation at BWG meeting
London - UK
- 18.02.13 "Gait Recognition“
Presentation at BCC
Tampa - USA
- 18.09.13 "European Association for Biometrics (EAB): Setting the Path for the Use of Biometrics in Europe“
Presentation at BCC
Tampa - USA
- 17.09.13 "Biometric Data Format and Related Standards - Need, Status and Trends“
Presentation at BCC
Tampa - USA
- 15.05.13 "Multibiometrische Gesichtserkennung“
Presentation at BSI-Kongress 2013
Bonn - Germany
- 22.02.13 "The Norwegian Biometrics Laboratory“
Presentation at the NBL 2013 workshop
Gjøvik - Norway
- 22.01.13 "Sample Quality in Biometrics“
Presentation at the NISlab Seminar
Gjøvik - Norway
- 12.12.12 "The project FIDELITY“
Presentation at the TTT biometrics working group
Berlin - Germany
- 11.12.12 "Training and Education Objectives & Planned Activities of the EAB-TEC“
Presentation at the EAB members conference
Berlin - Germany
- 20.11.12 "Towards a more Secure Border Control with 3D Face Recognition“
Presentation at Presentation at the NISK Conference
Bodø - Norway
- 30.10.12 "The second Generation of ISO/IEC Biometric data interchange Formats“
Presentation at the Biometrics conference
London - U.K.
- 15.10.12 "Biometric Research – Fingerprint Redognition and Ear Recognition“
Presentation at EuTec Graduate School workshop
Gjøvik - Norway
- 13.07.12 "ISO/IEC Standard 24745 - Biometric Information Protection“
Presentation at EAB-Workshop
Darmstadt - Germany PDF-Version
- 26.06.12 "Anwendungsorientierte Forschung in CASED - Biometrische Absicherung von Smartphones“
Presentation at h_da MN seminar
Darmstadt - Germany PDF-Version
- 26.04.12 "Biometric Transaction Authentication Protocol (BTAP)“
Presentation at Spring Biometric Summit
Warsaw - Poland
- 18.04.12 "Biometric System Overview - and relevant Standards“
Presentation at NID 2012
Oslo - Norway PDF-Version
- 12.04.12 "Biometric Standardisation - Update on ISO/IEC JTC1 SC37“
Presentation at Norsk Biometri Forum
Oslo - Norway
- 01.04.12 "Criteria Towards Metrics for Benchmarking Template Protection Algorithms“
Presentation at ICB 2012
New Dehli - India
- 16.03.12 "The Norwegian Biometrics Laboratory“
Presentation at NBL workshop 2012
Gjøvik - Norway
- 08.03.12 "Conformance to Standardized Minutia Detection Requirements“
Presentation at IBPC 2012
Gaithersburg - US PDF-Version
- 05.03.12 "Overview of Quality Features for NFIQ 2.0“
Presentation at NIST NFIQ workshop
Gaithersburg - US
- 12.12.11 "Venen-Erkennung und Biometrisches Transaktions Authentisierungs Protokoll“
Presentation at BdB Biometrics Workshop
Berlin - Germany PDF-Version
- 12.12.11 "Sachstandsbericht Biometrie – Standardisierung / Interoperabiltät als Erfolgsfaktor für den Einsatz“
Presentation at BdB Biometrics Workshop
Berlin - Germany ZIP-File
- 01.12.11 "Online Banking mit biometrischer Fingererkennung“
Presentation at Deutsche Bank GTO
Eschborn - Germany
- 30.11.11 "Biometric Authentication on Mobile Devices“
Presentation at Science Wednesday
Dieburg - Germany
- 10.11.11 "Biometric News from Gjøvik“
Presentation at Norsk Biometri Forum
Oslo - Norway
- 28.10.11 "Biometrie – Bilder verstehen“
Presentation at LGG
Darmstadt - Germany PDF-Version
- 05.10.11 "Biometric Authentication – Sensors, Security and Transactions“
Guest lecture at TU Brno
Brno - Czech Republic
- 05.10.11 "Biometric Authentication – Security and Convenience“
Guest lecture at TU Brno
Brno - Czech Republic
- 26.08.11 "Biometric Transaction Authentication Protocol (BTAP)“
Presentation at European Pament Council
Stockholm - Sweden PDF-Version
- 07.06.11 "Zum technischen Stand der Biometrie“
Presentation at Finance Forum Germany
Wiesbaden - Germany
- 06.06.11 "The master study program Media Direction“
Presentation at Mediale
Darmstadt - Germany
- 24.05.11 "News on Standardization and liveness detection techniques“
Presentation at the Norwegian Biometrics Forum
Oslo - Norway
- 11.05.11 "Biometrische Fingererkennung – Fusion von Fingerabdruck, Fingervenen und Fingergelenkbild “
Presentation at BSI Kongress
Bonn - Germany
- 06.12.10 "Biometric Transaction Authentication Protocol (BTAP)“
Presentation at the Biometrics workshop
Gjøvik - Norway
- 06.12.10 "The Norwegian Biometrics Laboratory – status and future“
Presentation at the Biometrics workshop
Gjøvik - Norway
- 06.12.10 "TURBINE Performance Evaluation – From Benchmarks to Airport Deployment“
Presentation at the TURBINE conference
Brussels - Belgium
- 06.12.10 "Biometrisches Transaktions Authentisierungs Protokoll“
Presentation at TeleTrusT
Berlin - Germany
- 22.11.10 "On Biometrics and Images“
Presentation at Multispectral Imaging and Biometrics Workshop
Gjøvik - Norway
- 04.11.10 "Image Quality and Standards as the Basis for effective Data Exchange“
Presentation at EBF Research Seminar
Brussels - Belgium
- 05.10.10 "Biometric Template Protection Methods and Strategy for Interoperability“
Presentation at GI-Sicherheit 2010
Berlin - Germany
- 05.10.10 "Biometric Message Authentication “
Presentation at GI-Sicherheit 2010
Berlin - Germany
- 01.10.10 "Status and Trends for Template Protection Standardization “
Presentation at University of Twente
Enschede – The Netherlands
- 21.09.10 "Template Protection Projects in Europe“
Presentation at Biometrics Consortium Conference
Tampa – USA
- 21.09.10 "Status and Trends for Biometric Data Interchange Formats Standardization “
Presentation at Biometrics Consortium Conference
Tampa – USA
- 25.06.10 "Biometrisch abgesichertes Online Banking “
Presentation at BdB/VBO Workshop
Frankfurt – Germany
- 05.05.10 "Biometrie – Stand der Technik “
Presentation at BITKOM Conference on Biometrics
Frankfurt – Germany PDF-Version
- 27.04.10 "Biometrics and Security“
Presentation at NISNet Winter School
Finse - Norway
- 23.04.10 "Biometric Template Protection “
Presentation at Biometric Workshop
Oslo - Norway
- 05.03.10 "ISO 24745 – Biometric Template Protection “
Presentation at NIST – Template Protection Workshop
Gaithersburg - USA
- 04.03.10 "Semantic Conformance Testing Methodology and inital Results for
Fingerprint Minutia Encoding “
Presentation at NIST – International Biometric Performance Conference
Gaithersburg - USA
- 09.12.09 "Stand der Forschung und Forschungsbedarf für die Zukunft“
Presentation at BMBF-Wokshop Biometrie
Bonn - Germany
- 24.09.09 "Entwicklung eines europäischen 3D-Gesichtserkennungssystems “
Presentation at BKA-Academy
Mainz-Kastel - Germany
- 22.09.09 "Wichtige Aspekte der Biometrie für Unternehmen“
Presentation at Biometrie-IdM-Fachtagung für FinanzDL
Darmstadt - Germany
- 01.09.09 "Biometrische Verfahren“
Presentation at Bundesverband Deutscher Banken - CC
Frankfurt - Germany
- 14.07.09 "Findings of the European Integrated Project 3D-Face“
Presentation at the International Conference on Biometrics
Moscow - Russia
- 04.06.09 "Biometrie und ID-Theft“
Presentation at the TeleTrusT Workshop
Essen - Germany
- 14.05.09 "The Integrated Project TURBINE -
Research on Biometric Template Protection “
Presentation at Biometric Working Group
London - UK
- 22.04.09 "Findings of the 3D-Face Project“
Presentation at the BIG-Meeting
Ispra - Italy
- 16.04.09 "3D-Face Results“
Presentation at the Biometrics Workshop
Neapel - Italy
- 31.03.09 "The EU project TURBINE“
Presentation at GUC
Gjøvik - Norway
- 24.03.09 "Überblick über biometrische Techniken für logische und physikalische Zugangskontrolle“
Presentation at VfS Conference
Leipzig - Germany
- 12.03.09 "Stand und Perspektiven der Gesichtserkennung“
Presentation at Tagung Phantom Gesichter
Potsdam - Germany
- 11.03.09 "3D Face Preliminary Field Test Results“
Presentation at TeleTrusT Workshop Biometrics
Darmstadt - Germany
- 03.03.09 "Data Privacy and Biometric Systems – A German Perspective“
Presentation at CEN Focus Group on Biometrics
Brussels - Belgium
- 12.01.09 "Die Vermessung de Menschheit – Biometrische Technologien und deren Einsatzmöglichkeiten“
Presentation at Deutsche Bank – GTO External Insights
Frankfurt – Germany
- 14.11.08 "Privacy Enhancing Technologies for the Protection of Biometric and sensitive Data – Challenges and Solutions“
Presentation at JRC IPSC workshop
Ispra – Italy
- 04.11.08 "Weiterentwicklung Biometrischer Systeme und Einsatzmöglichkeiten in der JVA“
Presentation at VfS Workshop
Nürnberg - Germany
- 17.10.08 "TURBINE and other activites to minimize risks in biometric systems“
Presentation at GUC – NISlab Workshop
Gjøvik- Norway
- 29.09.08 "ISO Standardization in SC37 WG3“
Presentation at CEN Focus Group on Biometrics
London - UK
- 16.09.08 "Empfehlungen zum Einsatz von Biometrie in Unternehmen“
Presentation at TeleTrusT Workshop on Biometrics
Darmstadt - Germany
- 17.08.08 "Biometric Systems and Data Protection Legislation in Germany“
Presentation at IIHMSP’08
Harbin - China
- 17.08.08 "Pseudo Identities based on Fingerprint Characteristics“
Presentation at IIHMSP’08
Harbin - China
- 17.08.08 "Face Recognition Using Separate Layers of the RGB Image“
Presentation at IIHMSP’08
Harbin - China
- 24.06.08 "TURBINE: Background and Status – ISO Standardization Initiative“
EBF Research Seminar
Amsterdam - Netherlands
- 04.03.08 "3D Face Recognition for Unattended Border Control“
Presentation at NET-ID08 Conference
Basel - Switzerland
- 20.02.08 "Networking in the IT-Security Community in Germany“
Presentation at Bluelight Workshop
Gjøvik- Norway
- 31.01.08 "Revocable Biometric Identifiers“
Presentation at GUC – NISlab Workshop
Gjøvik- Norway
- 30.01.08 "Biometric Data Interchange Format Development in SC37 WG3“
Presentation at Standards Norway
Oslo - Norway
- 30.11.07 "Fuzzy Vault with 3D Face Data “
Presentation at GUC – NISlab Workshop
Gjøvik- Norway
- 21.11.07 "Das Thema Biometrie – für die betroffene Person “
Presentation at Fachtagung Technologie und Innovation
Nürnberg - Germany
- 06.11.07 "Biometrische Erkennungssysteme “
Presentation at VfS workshop Sicherheit im Justizvollzug
Nürnberg - Germany
- 03.10.07 "Testing and Certification in Europe “
Presentation at EBF Research Seminar
Brussels - Belgium
- 21.09.07 "Biometrische Verfahren zur Erkennung von Personen -
ein Überblick"
Presentation at Normungsseminar DIN-Verbraucherrat
Marburg – Germany
- 12.09.07 "Towards Unattended and Privacy Protected Border Control“
Presentation at Biometric Consortium Conference
Baltimore - USA
- 04.09.07 "R&D Implications“
Presentation at EU BioTesting workshop
Brussels - Belgium
- 25.06.07 "The German Stereotype“
Presentation at ISO/IEC JTC1 SC37 Conference
Berlin - Germany
- 05.06.07 "International Standardisation and its Impact on European Innovations “
Presentation at International IT Security Conference
Berlin - Germany
- 23.04.07 "Stellungnahme zum Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Änderung des Passgesetzes und weiterer Vorschriften “
Presentation at Innenausschuss des Deutschen Bundestags
Berlin - Germany
- 07.03.07 "Standards and Interoperability“
Presentation at EU workshop on deployment of biometric systems
Brussels - Belgium
- 01.02.07 "Studiengänge BA in Digital Media und MA in Media Direction “
Presentation at HOBIT 2007
Darmstadt - Germany
- 14.12.06 "Biometrie Standardisierung“
Presentation at TeleTrusT AG 6 Workshop
Berlin - Germany
- 01.11.06 "Biometrics - Opportunity and Challenge“
Presentation at NISlab
Gjøvik - Norway
- 17.10.06 "3D Face Project “
Presentation at Research Day - Hochschule Darmstadt
Darmstadt - Germany
- 20.07.06 "The 3D Face Project “
Presentation at CAST-Workshop
Darmstadt - Germany
- 13.07.06 "The 3D Face Project “
Presentation at TeleTrusT AG 6 Workshop
Darmstadt - Germany
- 27.06.06 "Biometrische Verfahren - Chancen, Stolpersteine und Perspektiven “
Presentation at BFD-Symposium 2006
Berlin - Germany
- 29.03.06 "Bericht über die Arbeit der SC37 “
Presentation at TeleTrusT AG 6 Workshop
Wiesbaden - Germany
- 22.03.06 "Presentation of the 3D Face Project“
Presentation at Secure IST Workshop
Brussels - Belgium
- 15.03.06 "Biometrie - Aktuelle Trends und Entwicklungen “
Presentation at FutureTalk CeBIT 2006
Hannover - Germany
- 13.02.06 "Trends in der Biometrie “
Presentation at Biometric Workshop
Berlin – Germany
- 06.01.06 "Biometric Applications and Research Directions “
Presentation at the IT-Security Workshop at HIT
Harbin - China
- 05.01.06 "Biometric Standards “
Presentation at the IT-Security Workshop at HIT
Harbin - China
- 01.12.05 "Biometrie - Schritte auf dem Weg zu einer Sicherheitstechnologie “
Presentation at SIT-Sicherheitsforum 2005 Identity-Management
Darmstadt – Germany
- 29.10.05 "Biometrics and Secure Travel Documents“
Presentation at 6th EMBO/EMBL joint conference on Science and Society
Heidelberg - Germany
- 21.09.05 "Biometric Standards “
Presentation at Smart University 2005
Sophia Antipolis - France
- 18.04.05 "Biometrische Verfahren “
Presentation at Elektrotechnischer Verein an der TUD
Darmstadt - Germany
- 14.04.05 " The Biometrics Challenge“
Presentation at IMAGE Conference 2005
Paris - France
- 05.04.05 "Biometrische Verfahren “
Presentation at GI-Regionalgruppe Rhein-Main
Darmstadt - Germany
- 14.03.05 "Praxiserfahrungen mit dem Einsatz Biometrischer Systeme “
Presentation at Datenschutzforum Biometre – CeBIT2005
Hannover - Germany
- 22.02.05 "Technologie im Brennpunkt der Kontrolle und Privatspähre“
Presentation at EUROFORUM
Düsseldorf - Germany
- 16.02.05 "Update on Face Recognition Testing in Germany“
Presentation at NIST 3rd Face Recognition Grand Challenge Workshop – McLean - US
- 17.01.05 "Biometrische Systeme“
Presentation at VDE
Frankfurt - Germany
- 04.11.04 "Elemente einer Sicherheitspolitik für KMUs“
Presentation at STI Jahrestreffen
Kaiserslautern - Germany
- 26.10.04 "Ganzheitliche Konzepte statt Insellösungen:
Sicherheits-Inspektion und
biometrische Zugangskontrollen“
Presentation at BITKOM – BDI IuK-Summit
Berlin - Germany
- 19.10.04 "Challenges for Biometrics Systems:
Performance and Fake Resistance “
Presentation at NATO RTA Workshop
Enhancing Information Systems Security Through Biometrics.
Ottawa - Canada
- 15.09.04 "Biometrie – Chance oder Risiko “
Presentation at University Koblenz
Koblenz - Germany
- 14.09.04 "Biometric Landscape in Germany “
Presentation at Dutch Biometric Forum
Eindhoven - Netherlands
- 28.08.04 "Information Security Techniques – Research Activities in Europe “
Open lecture at Harbin Institute of Technology
Harbin - China
- 27.08.04 "Challenges and Solution in Digital Watermarking “
Presentation at the IT-Security Workshop at HIT
Harbin - China
- 17.06.04 "Moderne Datenschutzkonzepte für die Arztpraxis“
Presentation at the CAST-Workshop on Medicine and IT-Security Darmstadt - Germany
- 14.04.04 "Biometrie – Chancen und Risiken“
Presentation at the BDK-Conference
Frankfrut - Germany
- 25.03.04 "Impact of Lossy Compression Schemes on Fingerprint and Face Recognition Algorithms“
Presentation at the NIST International Meeting of
Biometrics Experts, March 23-25, 2004
Gaithersburg – Maryland USA
- 19.03.04 "Markenschutz durch Copy Detection Pattern“
Presentation at the CeBIT2004
Hannover - Germany
- 19.03.04 "Technische Durchsetzung von Sicherheitspolitiken“
Presentation at the CeBIT2004
Hannover - Germany
- 11.03.04 "SC37 Stand der Aktivitäten – März 2004“
Presentation at the TeleTrusT AG6 Meeting
Bonn - Germany
- 01.03.04 "The Biometric Landscape in Germany“
Presentation at Second BSI-Symposium on Biometrics 2004
Darmstadt - Germany
- 12.12.03 "Biometric Applications“
Presentation at the VICOMTech Workshop on Biometrics
San Sebastian - Spain
- 02.10.03 "Anwendungspotenzial Digitaler Wasserzeichen“
Presentation at GI STEWA Workshop 2003
Frankfurt - Germany
- 01.10.03 "Informationstechnologie und Ihre Märkte: Situationen, Ziele, Wege“
Presentation at IHK
Frankfurt - Germany
- 29.09.03 "Szenario-basierte Testverfahren zur Zertifizierung von Wasserzeichen“
Presentation at GI Jahrestagung 2003
Frankfurt - Germany
- 26.09.03 "Information Warfare, Network Security and Critical Infrastructures“
Presentation at the XV Amaldi Conference on Problems of Global Security
Helsinki - Finnland
- 18.09.03 "Music Sheet Distribution“
Presentation at the CAST-Workshop on Secure Content:
Protection, Tracing and Filtering
Darmstadt - Germany
- 09.09.03 "Compression formats JPEG, WSQ and JPEG2000“
Presentation at the ISO/JTC1 SC37 WG3 meeting
Rome - Italy
- 05.06.03 "Sicherheit von Geschäftsprozessen:
Bedrohungen und Lösungen“
Presentation at Fraunhofer IuK Summit on IT-Security
Berlin - Germany
- 04.06.03 "Biometrische Authentisierung -
Verfahren und Anwendungen“
Presentation at HIKK 2003
Schloss Hagenberg - Austria
- 13.05.03 "Evaluierung von Gesichtserkennungssystemen – Projekt BioFace“
8. Deutscher IT-Sicherheitskongress des BSI
Bonn - Germany
- 08.05.03 "IT-Sicherheit - Bedrohungsszenarien“
Workshop Total Security Management
Darmstadt - Germany
- 07.05.03 "Biometrische Verfahren: Sicherheit durch Körpermerkmale“
Ringvorlesung TU Darmstadt
Darmstadt - Germany
- 17.03.03 "Sicherheit von digitalen Medien: Watermarking von Audio- und 3D-Daten“
Presentation at Future Talk, CeBIT2003
Hannover - Germany
- 30.10.02 "Biometrische Systeme und Sicherheit"
Presentation at Darmstädter Sicherheitstag
Darmstadt - Germany
- 30.10.02 "Technischer Schutz kritischer Infrastrukturen"
Presentation at Workshop InGeoForum
Darmstadt - Germany
- 18.10.02 "Digitale Wasserzeichen – für Geodaten"
Presentation at INTERGEO2002
Frankfurt - Germany
- 18.10.02 "Geobasierte Verkehrsdaten"
Presentation at INTERGEO2002
Frankfurt - Germany
- 06.06.02 "Biometrische Systeme "
Presentation at GUHT Symposium
München - Germany
- 25.04.02 "Biometrische Systeme "
Presentation at BSI Symposium
Darmstadt - Germany
- 15.05.02 "Digitale Wasserzeichenverfahren"
Presentation at Gründungssitzung GI-Fachgruppe STEWA
Darmstadt - Germany
- 07.05.02 "Biometrische Systeme "
Presentation at VDI-Kongress
Karlsruhe - Germany
- 25.04.02 "Orthogonale Schutzkonzepte für Betriebssysteme "
Presentation at CAST-Workshop
Darmstadt - Germany
- 21.01.02 "Evolution of watermarking techniques for music scores "
SPIE2002 conference
San Jose - USA
- 21.01.02 "Sensitivity labels and invisible identification markings
in human-readable output"
SPIE2002 conference
San Jose - USA
- 16.10.01 "Evolution von Sicherheitsinfrastrukturen"
Darmstädter Sicherheitstag
- 01.02.01 "Informationssicherheit und Nutzungskontrolle
in verteilten Systemen"
Technische Universität Darmstadt
- 01.12.00 "IT-Systems as a Target of Warfare"
XIII International Amaldi Conference on Problems
of Global Security
- 21.06.00 "Digitale Wasserzeichen und Schutzmechanismen
für ATKIS-, ALK und DTK Daten"
Arbeitskreis IuK der AdV
- 14.01.00 "Urheberrechtsschutz und Digitale Wasserzeichen"
Vorlesung im Graduiertenkolleg
Infrastruktur für den elektronischen Markt
- 28.10.99 "Information Security"
Technology Summit & Technology Platform'99
- 01.06.99 "Internet Security from Diverse Viewpoints"
EC/NSF Workshop
- 22.04.99 "Schutz des Urheberrechts für Dgitale Medien"
- 26.02.99 "Information Security"
International Conference on Visual Computing (ICVC99)
- 03.12.98 "Introduction on CIPRESS"
Workshop on Copyright Protection, FhG-IGD,
- 18.11.98 "Perspectives on Electronic Commerce with Mobile Agents"
XI Amaldi Conference,
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow - Russia
- 05.11.98 "A System for Copyright Protection -
Elektronische Wasserzeichen",
Kolloquium Praxis der Datenverarbeitung,
Zentrum für Angewandte Informatik,
Universität zu Köln,
- 21.04.98 "Copyright Protection für Multimediale Daten",
VDI-Arbeitskreis "Multimedia"
Universität Mainz,
- 12.03.98 "Schutz von Urheberrechten durch digitale Wasserzeichen",
Fachgespräch Geistiges Eigentum und Copyright
im multimedialen Zeitalter - Positionen, Problem, Perspektiven,
Europäische Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen
wissenschaftlich-technischer Entwicklungen,
- 19.06.97 "Texture based Segmentation of Tomographic Data",
Second Germany-Korea Joint Conference on Advanced Medical
Image Processing,
- 12.06.97 "Inter-Patient Analysis of Tomographic Data",
10th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems,
- 29.04.97 "Teleradiologische Diagnoseunterstützung",
SIEMENS-Symposium: Kommunikation im Krankenhaus der Zukunft,
- 24.04.97 "Neuartige Algorithmen zur rechnergestützten Segmentierung
von Hirntumoren",
Dissertationsvortrag im Fachbereich Informatik der TH Darmstadt,
- 10.12.96 "Anwendungen der Wavelettransformation in der Graphischen
Seminar im Haus der Graphischen Datenverarbeitung,
- 27.09.96 "Anwendungen der Wavelettransformation in der Graphischen
Seminar im Haus der Graphischen Datenverarbeitung,
- 19.06.96 "Anwendungen der Wavelettransformation in der Graphischen
Seminar im Haus der Graphischen Datenverarbeitung,
- 22.04.96 "Patientenübergreifende Analyse von Tomographiedaten",
Workshop Automatische Analyse von Tomographie-Daten,
- 02.04.96 "KAMEDIN-Kooperative Anwendungen in der Medizin auf digitalen Netzen",
Industrie und Handelskammer Darmstadt,
Kommunikationsforum für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen,
- 01.11.95 "Klassifikation und Visualisierung medizinischer Volumendaten",
Presentation at Graduiertenkolleg TH Darmstadt,
- 30.09.95 "Morphological Operations for Color-Coded Images",
- 03.04.95 "KAMEDIN - Kooperatives Arbeiten und rechnergestützte
medizinische Diagnostik auf digitalen Netzen",
2. Telemedizin-Symposium der Deutschen Telekom,
- 08.10.94 "Diagnoseunterstützung in der Medizin durch kooperatives
Arbeiten und automatische Bildanalyse",
Medizin-Workshop at Haus der Graphischen Datenverarbeitung,
- 07.09.94 "Fast Image Analysis using Kohonen Maps",
IEEE-Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing,
- 28.10.93 "Kooperatives Arbeiten und automatische Bildanalyse
in der Radiologie",
Presentation at Seminar Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums,
- 08.09.93 "Interactive Neural Network Texture Analysis and Visualization
for Surface Reconstruction in Medical Imaging",